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The 4 Step Guide for On-Point Webinar Targeting

Bert Cherian

Ever since the lockdown started, people have been high on webinars! Whether it is digital marketing, content creation, virtual training, or anything else that would even a little bit of value- if the topic existed, there would have been a webinar on it.

For that matter, a lot of webinars focussed on lead generation as well. Surprisingly though, this part has always been tough. First, the audience isn’t really ready to pay without interacting so you either have a dedicated resource who would call or you go for a free webinar and do the sale yourself.

If that barrier is passed then not everyone turns up to the webinar. The turning up ratio is as low as 20% sometimes. Finally, you are not hosting the webinar just for the sake of it. You want to derive some sales out of it at the end of the day. So, when it eventually comes to that, of those 20% that turned up, the ratio remains hardly 2%- a percentage which may not necessarily break even.

To ensure that it all goes smoothly, there are two ways to address the problem

  1. How to target the audience correctly

  2. How to engage the audience enough so that they see the value of what is to come next

Tips on Targeting the right audience

The success of the webinar depends mostly on the audience attending the webinar- you can say that targeting and reaching out to the right audience is work, at least 50% done. It is essential that the webinar should be well planned and designed. The content should be impressive and eye-catchy.

But what will this scheduled webinar do if you don’t have enough audience to attend the webinar? Therefore, the success of your webinar will depend on the size of your audience too. Let’s discuss some of the ways to improve your audience for the webinar.

  1. Understanding your audience- the first and foremost thing is to understand the requirements of your audience so that the webinar can be conducted as per their interest. You need to know what will interest and attract them. Accordingly, you can plan the topic for them and include such information that they find interesting and helpful. Now, the next question arises as to how to know your audience? These tips will help you in understanding your target audience better-

    1. The age group to which the audience belongs.

    2. Their sex- male or female

    3. What are they looking for and addressing their concerns?

    4. Why do they want to attend the webinar?

    5. What is the financial status of the maximum audience?

    6. What is likely to interest with- saving money, being more productive or any other such concerns.

All such questions will help in understanding the audience, and the webinar topic can be moulded accordingly. This will help you grab more attendees for your webinar.

2. Promoting the webinar- now when you know your target audience, you can take the next step and concentrate on the promotion of the webinar to attract the right audience. Let’s discuss some tips on how to promote your webinar effectively and increase the number of attendees.

  1. Be active on blogging and create new write-ups daily for your upcoming webinar so that you can attract the maximum audience.

  2. Make social media your biggest strength and promote your webinar on all social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. You can also use the paid-advertising option and promote your webinar more effectively.

  3. Email all your existing customers and clients and keep them updated about new sessions that you have planned or are coming up.

  4. You can also make use of the promotional services that are offered by the webinar platforms.

3. Once you have promoted your webinar, you will notice that your interest is likely to increase and so now you need to make your landing page more useful and exciting. It should be a well designed and planned landing page for your audience to register. The landing page should speak volumes and explain what the webinar is all about and how attending it would be beneficial for the audience.

Also, make sure that the website doesn’t have other attached links to reach the final page. There should be only one landing page so that it becomes pretty straightforward and simple. Also, don’t ask the audience for too much information as this may become monotonous and they might exit the page. To make things simpler, just ask for an email and phone number.

4. Sending them reminders- it is a good idea to keep sending reminders to the audience who have registered for your webinar. It can be done via email or a message on the mobile number. This will help them to remember to attend the webinar without fail. Once the audience has registered for the webinar, they should receive the email stating the date, time and topic of the webinar. Also, a few days before the webinar, a gentle reminder to the audience for attending the webinar should be done.

  1. Variations- one effective way to improve your audience is to provide a variety in the webinars that you are hosting. There should be different topics that should be discussed every time. The format and pattern of the webinar should also be different every time. You can opt for educational webinars, product demonstration, information presentations, etc. incorporating something new and different in your webinar every time will help you gain more audience

Do it Now!

Webinars are the new ‘normal’ now. They are useful tools for marketing your products and services from the comfort of your home and with the world going digital, they are becoming an increasingly important source of revenue for many too! The coaching business has never seemed more lucrative and infra-independent as it is now.

In such a situation, it is imperative to make the most of it and since we are still in the stage where the first mover will win- getting it right and striking a chord with the right audience will go a long way!

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