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Meta Ventures

Investing in Ideas and People

Venture building is different than your traditional VC. What we do is roll up our sleeves and work with talented people and build out a Joint Venture in an adjacent area.

Areas for JV

  • Analytics

  • Logistics 

  • Supply Chain software

  • AI, Big Data, Deep Learning 

Building new adjacent business

Building new adjacent business

Meta Ventures - concept to market

Meta Ventures - concept to market

Building Meta Venture

Building Meta Venture

Lifestyle Businesses

Lifestyle Businesses

Hackathon Methodolgy: We use our business building canvases to hack through challenges. Through rapid hack iterations, we cover strategy, marketing, branding, sales and hiring.


Inovation Process: We bring our proven innovation methodology that uses design thinking, systematic inventive technique, and TOC to build traction on valuable customer insights.


Coaching Process: The JVs we run have a strong coaching system that ensures growth is on track and people are resourceful.


Funds: We bring funds to the table to get the JV running.

Is your company investor ready? Get the free ebook and join the conversation!

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Meta Results / Koramangala / Bangalore / India


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